At-Home Self Exam

In an effort to provide you with dental care while protecting you and our dental team, we are now offering Teledentistry appointments.

During your teledentistry appointment the doctor will ask you to use two spoons to help make visible the affected areas in your mouth. Please watch the short video, to learn how to help the doctor to look into your mouth through your phone’s camera. Your self-exam will be conducted live, not through still photos.

You will need: 2 spoons, 1 flashlight, and (if available) someone else to hold the flashlight and point the camera to the part of your mouth you’re making visible.

[vimeo_embed video=”420978080″ class=”vimeo_video_embed”]

Video Credit: How to conduct a home teledentistry exam, courtesy of orthodontist Dr. Jessie Isaacs and MSDA

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