When you have a balance due on your account, you no longer have to speak with us over the phone to give us a credit card number, or snail mail us a check! You will have the option to receive a text message, and to securely pay the balance online at your convenience.
If you wish to see this kind of text message from us, please save the number (914) 594-5593 into your phone’s address book.
The message you receive will be legitimate and may look like this (Android phone screenshot)
Once you click on the link, a different page will open (URL pay.balancecollect.com/m/harveylevydmdandassociates?q=[long unique string]).
The web form for you to fill out will look like this:
The balance due will prepopulate. You only need to enter the patient name, your credit or debit card information, your address, and it’s done.
Convenient: no writing a check, no having to put it in a stamped envelope, and no having to call our office!