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Secure Patient Portal

If you haven’t yet established your secure patient portal with us, please take the opportunity to do so. The URL is or You may want to bookmark that!

To sign up you’ll only need to enter your name and DOB, and the email address on file with our practice. If you have trouble (e.g. your name was entered in our system differently) please call us at 301-663-8300.

Through our secure portal you’ll be able to text us (2-way texting), send us email messages and attachments, view your upcoming appointments, request an appointment, and manage notifications. Better still, if you’ve already filled out our new patient forms, you’ll be able to make changes rather than fill out blank forms.


  1. your password needs to be
    • 8-20 characters in length
    • At least 1 of these special characters: !@#$%^&*
    • At least 1 number
    • At least 1 uppercase letter
    • At least 1 lowercase letter
  2. You can create accounts for your dependents under your own password, and view their portals under your account.
Create an account
Request appointment

Why not set up your portal now while it’s fresh in your mind? It only takes a minute!

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